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R.A.P.P Service

RAPP stands for rehabilitation, acupuncture, physiotherapy, and pain management

R.A.P.P Service

We are excited to be introducing our RAPP service. RAPP stands for rehabilitation, acupuncture, physiotherapy, and pain management. Having offered these treatments individually for many years at ICR vets, we have recently re-examined how we can best combine these services to allow our patients to benefit from a combination of therapies. The RAPP service allows our experienced team to create a tailored treatment plan for your pet, enabling them to lead a happier and more comfortable life.


All pets deserve to live pain free. Whether your pet is faced with rehabilitation after an injury or illness, or whether your pet is aging and struggling with arthritic pain, we can help!


Our highly qualified RAPP team are in a unique position to be able to provide all-round care, as the team is made up of three of our veterinary surgeons and one registered veterinary nurse. This means that they can perform physical examinations and prescribe medicines to manage pain whilst using treatment modalities such as acupuncture and physiotherapy to achieve the best possible outcome and comfort for your pet.


For more information on our RAPP service and our RAPP team, please read below or ask any of our staff for further information.

Meet The R.A.P.P Team

Ellen Graham - Veterinary Nurse

Ellen Graham

Ellen Graham RVN Veterinary Nurse
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Javier Mota - Veterinary Surgeon

Javier Mota

Javier Mota DVM MRCVS Veterinary Surgeon
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Claire Edgington - Gorebridge Branch Manager

Claire Edgington

Claire Edgington BVM&S MRCVS Gorebridge Branch Manager
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Tyler McNeil - Veterinary Surgeon

Tyler McNeil

Tyler McNeil BVM&S MRCVS Veterinary Surgeon
Read Bio

How does the RAPP service work?

You can schedule an appointment with our RAPP service by phoning our friendly reception team who will arrange your first appointment with one of our RAPP vets. You may also be referred through one of our vets or nurses during a medical appointment for your pet. If you are not registered with ICR vets, we are still very happy to see your pet for treatment. Please get in contact or ask your vet to contact us to arrange an appointment.

In advance of your appointment, you will be asked to fill out a short questionnaire, to allow our team to get the best understanding of your pet’s needs.

Your first appointment will be with one of the vets in our RAPP team. Our RAPP team members are based at each of our branches, so we can book an appointment to best suit you. During this appointment, the vet will perform a thorough physical examination and discuss what combination of treatment modalities (e.g., acupuncture, physiotherapy, laser therapy, massage, etc) would be best suited to your pet’s needs. They will then come up with a tailored treatment plan for your pet. Our vets are also very experienced with managing nervous pets and will be happy to discuss any concerns you may have with you.


Appointments can be booked on an individual basis, though your pet will usually require several treatments to achieve the desired results. During your first appointment, our vet will work with you and your pet to design a tailored treatment plan and will discuss the cost of treatment with you.

Initial RAPP consultation with vet (40 mins)

  • Includes creating tailored plan and first acupuncture treatment – £120.00

Single follow up acupuncture treatment - £70.00

  • Package of 4 follow-up acupuncture treatments (recommended, £240.00 – includes £40.00 discount)

Single follow up electro-acupuncture treatment (bought as individual) £90.00

  • Package of 4 follow up acupuncture treatments (recommended, £320.00 – includes £40.00 discount)


Initial physiotherapy consultation (40 mins) includes creating tailored plan and first treatment – £55.00

  • Physiotherapy appointments will include a variety of treatment modalities and exercises tailored specifically to your pet’s needs. All treatments are included in the price of your appointment.

Single follow up physiotherapy consultation – £45.00

  • Package of 4 follow-up physiotherapy consultations (recommended, £140.00 – includes £40.00 discount)
  • Patients receiving both acupuncture and physiotherapy treatments will be given a 20% discount off the cost of physiotherapy.

Single laser appointment - £45.00

Luckily, many insurance companies now cover treatment costs for the services offered within RAPP. Please check with your insurance company for more information and let us know if we can assist you.

  • Veterinary Acupuncture
  • Veterinary Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation
  • Massage
  • Therapeutic Exercise
  • Electrotherapies (Laser & Therapeutic Ultrasound)

Veterinary Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a treatment derived from ancient Chinese medicine. Acupuncture is the practice of inserting fine needles superficially into the body to help provide pain relief and in some cases help the body to deal with other diseases. It works by stimulating the body’s nervous system to produce natural pain relief and reset the body’s normal functioning. It can be used alongside other medical treatments or as a sole treatment for various painful conditions and certain disease processes. This treatment has been used for many years in our animal patients and with a growing evidence base, acupuncture is becoming a commonly used treatment in a variety of conditions.

At ICR we offer integrative veterinary medicine combining acupuncture with conventional medical and surgical therapy for a variety of conditions, including arthritis and chronic joint or back pain. Acupuncture is performed by one of our three veterinary surgeons in our RAPP team who have gone through advanced training and are fully certified veterinary acupuncturists.

Most animals tolerate acupuncture very well. Occasionally, some individuals will react when the first needles are inserted, but almost all patients quickly realise this treatment is not painful and will typically relax quite quickly. In some cases, animals even become slightly sedated or sleepy. Your pet’s first consultation will allow our vet to place the first few needles to see how well your pet tolerates this treatment and allow your pet to become comfortable with the process.

Most of our patients will require at least four sessions to allow enough time to assess whether they are responding well to the therapy. Typically, animals will be treated weekly for four weeks then the time between sessions may be increased, depending on the patient’s response.


Electro-acupuncture is very similar to general acupuncture. However, in electro-acupuncture, a small current is run between needles, causing a deeper stimulation. This can be useful in animals who don’t respond strongly to acupuncture alone and is useful for the treatment of specific body areas.

Vet preparing medicine   Acupuncture treatment in progress

Veterinary Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation

Veterinary physiotherapy is a science-based treatment that helps facilitate recovery from injury, illness or after surgery. The aim is to improve and restore movement and functional ability. Physiotherapy can also be hugely beneficial for older animals suffering from pain and reduced range of motion due to arthritis and muscle loss.

dog undertaking physio   dog outside for physio

To achieve this, veterinary physiotherapy utilises a wide range of treatments and techniques such as manual therapies, exercise and electrotherapies.

A full physiotherapy exam includes static observation which looks at how the patient stands, how they carry their weight, muscle symmetry/asymmetry; along with dynamic observation looking at how the animal moves in a walk, trot and run.

dog at physio Dog using physio equipment Happy dog with staff

At ICR vets, we can provide physiotherapy for patients who may be experiencing pain during the immediate period after surgery, helping to support their recovery and facilitating a faster return to health. Commonly, our team works with pets who suffer chronic (medium to long term) pain states, impaired mobility and reduced joint/muscle function. While we cannot stop the aging process, we can help to alleviate the symptoms often experienced by our pets as they grow older.

Physio recovery equipement

Conditions that benefit from physiotherapy

Orthopaedic conditions

  • Arthritis
  • Hip/elbow dysplasia
  • Luxating patella
  • Cruciate disease
  • Fracture healing
  • Post-surgical rehabilitation
  • Soft tissue injuries
  • Wounds

Neurological conditions

  • Intervertebral disc disease (IVDD)
  • Post-surgical rehabilitation
  • Wobblers syndrome
  • Vestibular episodes


  • Critical care – maintain mobility and function in hospitalised patients
  • Weight loss- helping pets to shed excess body fat

Examining test results


Massage is the manipulation of the body’s ‘soft tissues’, including the muscles and connective tissues. Benefits include the release of muscular tension, increased blood flow to tissues and acceleration of muscle recovery and repair. Most pets find getting a massage a very relaxing experience, just like us! Your pet’s treatment plan may include a degree of massage, and in some cases, you will be taught how to perform certain techniques at home to aid in your pet’s recovery.

Therapeutic Exercise

Therapeutic exercise forms a fundamental part of our physiotherapy treatment and includes passive and active exercises. Passive exercise means the body is being moved by the therapist, or owner, without the patient needing to exert any effort. The movements are commonly known as ‘passive range of motion’ exercises, or PROM and help improve comfort and range of motion of the limbs or neck. Active exercises such as stretching, weight-shifting and navigating a variety of steps and inflatable physiotherapy instruments assist in improving strength, balance, and co-ordination.

Often, owners will be taught how to perform some of these exercises at home to aid in their pet’s recovery.

What are the aims of therapeutic exercise?

  • Improve the use of the affected area
  • Improve flexibility of joints
  • Improve strength and muscle mass
  • Prevent further injury

Electrotherapies (Laser & Therapeutic Ultrasound)


Laser therapy is used to treat a variety of inflammatory conditions, such as arthritis and muscle pain. Laser therapy can also be very useful as a treatment to speed up wound healing, reduce scar tissue and improve nerve function. 

Our RAPP team have access to a Class IV laser, ideal for treating our veterinary patients. The laser emits infra-red light directly onto the area of concern, allowing the light photons to penetrate the tissue. Though the exact mechanism of working is unknown in both human and veterinary medicine, it is thought that the light stimulates molecules in the cells causing beneficial biochemical effects that assist in tissue healing. We know that laser therapy increases blood flow to the area, bringing more immune cells and nutrients to the damaged tissue to assist in healing.

Laser therapy is not painful, in fact your pet will likely be unaware they are receiving treatment. Some pets enjoy the very mild warming effect on their muscles.

dog getting a check up

How is laser therapy administered?

Laser therapy is administered via a handheld laser, which is moved back-and-forth over the treatment area. Sessions typically last anywhere from 5 to 20 minutes depending on the areas requiring treatment. It is recommended that your pet receives several sessions for the full benefit of the laser. Clipping hair from the treatment area is not required.

Which conditions can benefit from laser therapy?

  • Arthritis
  • Tendon and ligament injuries
  • Acute pain and inflammation
  • Wounds

Laser therapy equipment

Therapeutic ultrasound

We also offer shortwave ultrasound therapy. This is different from diagnostic ultrasound, used for imaging patients' internal organs. Therapeutic ultrasounds works in a similar way to laser therapy, creating sounds waves that pass through the affected tissues. These sounds waves are of an ultrasonic frequency, allowing a different penetration of the tissues. Sounds waves stimulate warmth and increase blood flow to facilitate tissue healing.

How is therapeutic ultrasound administered?

Ultrasound therapy is administered through a handheld device. The animal's fur does not require clipping; however, a gel will be applied to your pet’s coat in the treatment area. This is harmless and will be cleaned off after treatment.

Which conditions can benefit from ultrasound therapy?

  • Tendon, ligament and muscle damage
  • Effective in the reduction of scar tissue and adhesions
  • Arthritis
  • Chronic wounds
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